Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer Update

First off, I apologize, and ask for patience while Lael and I are updating our support letters. Much has happened in the past few months since you’ve received our last letter and Lael and I are very excited to see what is just around the corner.

The months leading into spring and summer were spent street preaching at San Diego’s top colleges, UCSD and SDSU along side on campus student ministries. The street ministry is aided with the worship of college students, as the message of the cross is preached to their fellow classmates.

We have a bi weekly prayer meeting that lasts for 3 hours, and some times even up to 4 hours. At these meetings we worship and cry out to the Lord for His return, the change of political events, repentance and the salvation of souls. Our prayer meetings are based around Luke 18 and the widow who cried out day and night for justice. In this parable, Jesus explains that He will avenge His elect who cry out night and day, He ends the parable by asking, “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” We pray that His Bride will be counted worthy of such an honor.
Tuesdays is our community fast day, in which our ministry staff and family fast from food and juice for a 36 hour period. The fast is to focus on the longing for Christ to come back, and for His kingdom to be established in justice and righteousness. This weekly fast is considered a bridegroom fast in accordance to Mark 2:18, where Jesus refers to Himself as The Bridegroom. He says that when He is gone that the friends of the bridegroom (His Church) are to fast until the day of His return. On Fridays we hold silent prayer meetings outside of abortion clinics, in which we pray for 2 hours, and as we pray in silence we are identifying with the silent cries of the unborn and of those who have no voice. Just as it reads in Proverbs 31:8-9:

8Open your mouth for the speechless,
In the cause of all who are appointed to die.
9 Open your mouth, judge righteously,
And plead the cause of the poor and needy.

Our stand is not a protest, but a silent prayer meeting. We make our appeal to the Judge of the earth and ask Him for speedy justice to be released, and at the end of the prayer meeting, we take communion and pray a simple prayer of:

"Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins, and the sins of my nation,
God end abortion and send revival to America"

Praying at the clinics is an intense time as we have been able to minister to hurting men and women, and help them make conscience, Godly wisdom about life. For more information about this please visit:

As most of you know, Lael and I have chosen to live in community lifestyle with others at JHOP. One important aspect of our community living is growing most of our food. This has been a wonderful time of planting, gardening and harvesting. The garden has been an excellent place for me to work and meditate on the word of God as I look around me I am able to stop and smell the rosemary, lavender and mint bushes, and really experience nature as God intended it. Most of what we eat as a community is a result of what we grow, and to feed a company of nine takes a lot of work! We have been extremely blessed with seeing most all of our garden come to harvest, including: over 10 kinds of tomatoes, 5 different squashes, 2 kinds of melons, lots of green bean stocks, 2 different onions, pumpkins, red, yellow, orange and red bell peppers, strawberries and many more take up less than half an acre of land!

For the coming fall and winter months we will continue most of the planned activities above, including our daily duties of prayer and the studying of the scriptures. On July 5th, we consecrated ourselves to a 40 day period of fasting, and to seek the Lord on what He would have us focus on for the remaining 5 months of 2009. Already planned for the month of October is the National Student Walkout to Prayer. This is a student led response to the religion of secular humanism being taught in the classrooms of America. In April we launched a preliminary walkout, and now we have locked arms with other ministries across the country who desire to pray and ask God to bring a spiritual awakening to the campuses. On this day, we are gathering to pray—for the schools, our friends, our teachers, our government, and the nation. For more information on this event go to

Please pray for us that we continue to be faithful witness for the Lord.

If you believe in what Lael and I are doing, please don’t hesitate to support us with your prayers, and finances.

We love you all!!!

(JHOP praying at UCSD) (Lael & I visiting Seaport Village in Downtown SD)

(JHOP crew praying outside and abortion clinic in Downtown SD)

(JHOP crew praying at UCSD)

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